
JOYCE, JAMES & DIDDLEY, BO (rhythm : strange but true)

why james joyce liked bo diddley (and probably not vice versa, but who am i to diddley) : because bo knew more about diddley than james knew about choice (assumption! sic!) - because james knew diddley by heart - and knew how to handle it : because bo knew how to handle choice : because diddley knows all but nothing.

and nothing knows all by heart : diddley, (choice) and james. ((who's nothing : i'm scared! - don't be : it's only nothing babbling.))

very logical all that, if you have a choyce (and don't know diddley bo't all).

it all sounds easy - and it is.

and bo diddley, the grand master of gender studies, says : hey :


> pun > joyce, james > diddley, bo > paul, jean > hans, heiri > dylan, bob > gruss (stierkalb) > schlagzeile > gender studies (very much at the end of it) > joyce : ulysses : aeolus >

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