seit sich die idee des „worst case scenario“ in politik, gesellschaft, wirtschaft und allen anderen paranoiaanfälligen lebensbereichen eingenistet hat, werden handbücher mit verhaltensregeln herausgegeben. ein typischer „worst case“ wäre ja, dass ein „worst case“ eintritt und man hat das entsprechende handbuch nicht zur hand.
“How to foil a UFO abduction:
1.Do not panic: The extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) may sense your fear and act rashly.
2.Control your thoughts: Do not think of anything violent or upsetting – the EBE may have the ability to read your mind. Try to avoid mental images of abduction (boarding the saucer, anal probes); such images may encourage them to take you.
3.Resist verbally: Firmly tell the EBE to leave you alone.
4.Resist mentally: Picture yourself enveloped in a protective shield of white light, or in a safe place. Telepatic EBEs may get the message.
5.Resist physically: Physical resistance should be used only as a last resort. Go for the EBEs eyes (if they have any) – you will not know what its other, more sensitive areas are.”
lit.:The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel. Piven / Borgenicht, San Francisco 2001
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